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Plant-Based Foods & Healthy Skin

Vegetarian Cobb Salad

The appearance of your skin reflects what you eat. Just like our body. Our skin also needs proper nutrition to combat damage and make the skin cells energized and replicate. Aside from eating healthy and nutritious foods, it is essential to relax, exercise, and get enough sleep to maintain a healthy and glowing skin.

Here are 10 foods for healthy skin:


Sunflower Seeds

Sweet Potatoes








The food you eat has a great impact on your skin both good and bad. Here are some additional tips on how to make your skin healthy naturally:

Consume foods that are rich in antioxidants

Antioxidants have properties that can fight diseases and other factors like inflammation that cause aging. Wrinkle formation is caused by inflammation. You should include foods in your diet that are packed with antioxidants like blueberries, spinach, pomegranate, acai berries, and organic green tea.

Foods rich in omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids play a significant role to maintain healthy skin. This fatty acid keeps the skin moisturized and supple. You should eat fatty fish like mackerel and salmon to reduce inflammation that triggers acne.

Healthy fats from avocado

The healthy fats present in avocado are beneficial to your skin. Consuming a sufficient amount of healthy fats can make your skin moisturized and flexible. Studies showed that there are compounds present in avocados that protects the skin from UV damage that causes the signs of aging.



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